Archives for November 2012

DAY 337 – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012




The body of Christ (chapter 12); the priority of charity (chapter 13); the boundaries for spiritual gifts (chapter 14); the resurrection of the dead (chapter 15); structure for orderly giving (chapter 16).



As we move into chapter 12, Paul begins to correct the ignorance of the Corinthians regarding spiritual gifts.  Remember the context – they think they’ve got it all together (4:10).  They certainly didn’t think they were ignorant about spiritual gifts.  I mean, they were using their gifts; they were having services where the “Spirit” was literally overwhelming people.  The only problem was, it wasn’t the Spirit of God!  God actually uses sarcasm in the passages we will look at today to rebuke the Corinthians.


God establishes three keys to spiritual gifts in verses 4-6:

1. There are different gifts.

2. There are different ways to administer your gift.

3. There are different ways to operate your gift.


However, there is one overarching principle guiding spiritual gifts.  Verse 7 states that the purpose of the gifts is to “profit withal”.  In other words, the purpose of your spiritual gift is not for your benefit; it is for the benefit of the whole body.  God then illustrates this point by using the example of our human body.  The purpose for our hand is not for the benefit of our hand, it is for the benefit of our whole body.  Through this illustration, God also emphasizes the necessity of all believers within a local church.  Every member is necessary.  Sometime believers can get the idea, or live with the feeling, that they are not as important as other members of the body.  But the point of the passage is that every member of Christ’s body is just as vital as any member of our own human body is to us.  Because of that fact, as a body we are to care about one another; we’re to rejoice when others rejoice and weep with those in sorrow.  Because we so often live with a preoccupation concerning ourselves (II Tim. 3:1-2), instead of caring about one another, we’re often jealous and/or envious of one another (Gal.5:26).


Pay close attention to 12:28-31.  The obvious answer to the questions being asked is “No!  We do not all have the same gifts. We each have different gifts.”  Also look back at 12: 7-11.  Do we get to choose our gift? No, the Holy Spirit imparts our gifts to us as He chooses.  Verse 31 is one of those sarcastic phrases Paul uses to rebuke the Corinthians.  First, he states their ignorance, and then he reveals an example of their ignorance.  These people were coveting certain gifts (the “showy” gifts) even though we have no say in our gift and it is imparted by the Holy Spirit at His will.  God is using sarcasm to illustrate immaturity in coveting “the best gifts”.  God then reveals where their focus should be: not on what gifts I want to have, but rather, on a more excellent way.  More excellent than what?  More excellent than ignorantly trying to obtain different gifts or showing off the gift you do have!


The placement of chapter 13 is key to understanding spiritual gifts.  Never lose sight of the context when studying scripture.  Verses 1-3 of chapter 13 are a direct confrontation in the face of the Corinthians.  They have the appearance of “spirituality” in their lives and in their church, but it is only an appearance.  They’re consumed with the show of spirituality. God reveals that it doesn’t matter how much you speak in tongues, it doesn’t matter how many gifts you have and how well you use them, it doesn’t matter how much you give, if you don’t have charity in your life, it is all WORTHLESS.  Before we condemn the Corinthians, why don’t we try to paraphrase this into something that is a little more applicable to us:


Though I am heavily involved in discipleship and even participate in the365 Days of Pursuit, and have not charity, I am nothing.  And though I carry the correct Bible, and can divide it into the correct dispensations, and though I’ve gone through all of the layers and levels of training offered in my local church, if I don’t have charity, I’m just full of information and knowledge.  And though I discover my spiritual gift, and do all kinds of things so that everyone else in the church thinks I have it all together, if I don’t have charity, I am really nothing more than a fat-headed Laodicean.


We can and do pursue a lot of things.  Paul says that the excellent thing to pursue is charity.  If we live our whole Christian life without ever really completely being able to identify our spiritual gifts, but we live a life of charity, we will have lived the life God wants us to live.  God then describes what biblical charity looks like.  How does your life line up with verses 4-7?  That is how we can really determine where we are spiritually.


God completes this chapter by again revealing that charity is superior to the gifts themselves.  In fact, He says there’s going to be a time when the “showy” gifts the Corinthians were so zealous for, will cease and disappear.  We do not have the time in this tool to get into all the reasons the sign gifts have ceased.  However, it is important for each of us to have a basic understanding of why this is true, and if you are sketchy on this issue, you would do well to study it for yourself and talk with your discipler, or your pastors about it. In a nutshell, there were miraculous gifts given as signs in the period of time before the N.T. had been completed, for the purpose of authenticating both the messenger and his message (See Heb. 2:3-4).  After the N.T. was completed, they ceased to have a biblical purpose. 


Chapter 14 is a chapter that is often lifted out of its context (chapters 12-13), along with individual verses that are lifted out to form a faulty doctrine.  For example, we have all heard someone say that the gift of tongues is a heavenly language that draws a person closer to God.  Where does this come from?  Most will show you verse 2 (speaking to God) and then verse 4 (edifies himself).  One question will help you understand this chapter in its proper context – What is the purpose of spiritual gifts?  Are they for the benefit of the individual, or for the benefit of the body?  We have already clearly seen that God emphasizes that they are for the body, not for the individual.  Paul again is using their arguments (i.e. “I just speak to God and edify myself.”) in a sarcastic way to reveal their ignorance.  Also, notice in verse 1 how God separates the term spiritual gifts from prophecy.   There certainly is a spiritual gift of prophecy, but that is not what God is not talking about in this chapter.  God is talking about the ability of every believer to prophesy (i.e. to proclaim the truth of God and His Word).  Remember, does everyone have the gift of prophecy?  No, but every believer can prophesy (proclaim the truth of God)!  This is similar to the fact that there is a spiritual gift of giving and a gift of faith.  However, every believer is called to give, as well as to exercise faith.


God spends the first half of chapter 14 showing the priority of speaking His truth in a manner in which people can understand, rather than trying to show off some spectacular gift.  The second part of the chapter deals with the proper use of gifts within the body.  The basic principle in verse 40 is that things are to be done decently and in order.  Any church doing things in a crazy manner (most charismatic churches) are directly disobeying God’s Word.  Even at the time of the writing of I Corinthians when God was still using these sign gifts to authenticate the messenger and his message, there was a specific prescription they were to follow to maintain “decency” and “orderliness”:


  1. In a service, only two, or at the most three were permitted to speak in tongues.  Also, they were to speak in turn, not at the same time.  (14:27)
  2. Someone was permitted to speak in tongues only if there was someone present with the gift of interpretation of tongues as well.  Otherwise, tongues were forbidden. (14:27-28)
  3. Prophesying was likewise to be one at a time, but there was no limit to the amount of people who could prophesy (proclaim the truth).  (14:29-31)
  4. Women are not permitted to speak in tongues or prophesy in the service. (14:34-35)       


Because the N.T. is complete, the sign gifts are no longer necessary.  But even if they were operative today, I know of no churches that follow the clear instructions given for their use in this chapter.  Certainly there are churches that do, I’m just saying I know of none.  It’s one thing to believe all the gifts are still operating today.  It’s quite another not to follow God’s clear instructions for their use.


But not only were the Corinthians messed up on spiritual gifts, in chapter 15, Paul shows that they were also messed up on the resurrection.  This chapter clearly lays out the priority of Christ’s resurrection.  Everything we believe is predicated on the fact that Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead.  If that did not happen, we are the most deceived, disillusioned, pitiful and miserable people on this planet.

The fact is, however, Christ did rise from the dead!  And just as in Adam we were born sinners; in Christ we are born righteous.  As in Adam all die; in Christ we are all made alive.  As in Adam we were born in his image; in Christ we are born in Christ’s image.  As in Adam we were born with a body like his; in Christ we will receive a glorified body like Christ’s.


The resurrection of Christ and its subsequent benefits and promises should be the motivation that keeps us continually abounding in the work of the Lord.  Are you “abounding” in the work of the Lord, or have you grown complacent and weary?  If so, perhaps you have misplaced the importance and implications of the resurrection. 


In chapter 16, God instructs the Corinthians concerning the best way to receive the offerings they were collecting to relieve the saints in the church atJerusalem.  Verse 9 reveals a truth we must always keep in mind: open doors and adversaries go hand-in-hand!  Fulfilling our mission on this planet is not a walk in the park.  It is a battle. Expect resistance.  Expect difficulties.  Expect adversaries, but, by all means, press on! Be strong in the Lord.





Marriage and divorce (chapter 7); Christian liberty (chapter 8); the purpose of our liberty (chapter 9); lessons fromIsrael(chapter 10); issues regarding communion (chapter 11).



We now begin the section of I Corinthians in which Paul answers the questions the Corinthians had sent to him.  The first issue he addresses is marriage.  Apparently, the Corinthians were wondering if it was better for a man never to marry.  In one sense it is.  Verse 1 of chapter 7 says, it is good for a man not to touch a woman.  In 7:8 Paul says he wishes all men were like him (single).  7:8 says it is good for the unmarried and widows to remain single. 7:27advises men if they are loosed from a wife (single) not to seek a wife.  The reason is found in7:32-34.  An unmarried person may give their service more wholly to the Lord.  Everyone that is married understands the point, because there are restraints on our time, resources, and service because of our families.  For example, it’s more difficult for a husband/wife, father/mother to go on a six month or one year mission trip than it is for a single person.  That is just common sense.  What often happens, however, is singles sometimes mistakenly believe if they can just be spiritual enough, they can remain single for life.  God makes clear in 7:7 that singleness is a gift, and that marriage is certainly good and honorable, and what is right for most.


Space does not allow for an exhaustive look at chapter 7, but there are some key principles God establishes in this chapter that need to be noted:



Intimacy is not an option in marriage.  The husband and wife are to give themselves to each other.  A marriage that lacks intimacy distorts the picture of Christ and the church revealed in Ephesians 5:25-33.



Do not seek divorce.  If there is a split, God desires reconciliation.  However, if an unbelieving spouse departs, the believer is free.    



Learn to be content.  If you can improve your circumstances, go for it, but learn to be content.



Realize your marriage requires time, effort, and care.


In chapter 8, the next question the Corinthians posed was about meat offered to idols.  They were asking this question in a way to get the answer they wanted — almost an “It’s okay to eat, right?”  You can see by the development of the chapter that they already had their well-thought-through reasons it was okay, and were simply looking for Paul to agree with them, or condone their wishes. The Corinthians said, “We have knowledge! We know an idol is nothing”.  God responds, “Knowledge is vain. It puffs up! The key is, do you have charity?”  Chapter 8 is a redirecting of the question from, “Because we have knowledge and we know an idol is nothing we can eat this meat offered to idols even though it offends our brothers, right?” to “Do you love your brother enough not to eat it?”  Notice the shift from, “What are my rights?” to “How can I care for my brother?”  Yes, an idol is nothing, and no, there is nothing wrong in and of itself in eating meat offered to an idol. However, t! he overarching concern must be verse 9 – “Am I using my liberty in a way that causes others to stumble?”  If so, I’m using my liberty as an occasion to the flesh and not only sinning against my brother, I am sinning against Christ (8:12).


In chapter 9, Paul illustrates from his own life, the principle of chapter 8.  Verses 1-14 establish the authority and right that Paul and Barnabas had to be compensated for their work in the Lord.  However, they chose not to exercise this right for the sake of the gospel.  Paul had the right to be compensated, but he chose not to do this so that nobody would or could ever accuse him of doing what he did for money, and thereby hurt the cause of Christ.  Rather,9:20-23 reveals he chose to live as others to try and reach them with the gospel.  In fact, he brings himself under control that he might be an effective messenger of the gospel.  The question we need to ask ourselves is, “Do I place the priority on being as an effective minister of the gospel as I can be?” or “Do I place the priority on my rights and liberty?”


In chapter 10, God illustrates why we all need to have the mindset Paul just described in chapter 9.  The illustration comes from the Old Testament and has to do with the Nation of Israel.  Verse 1-4 reveal that allIsraelexperienced the same supernatural deliverance fromEgypt, in the same way every true believer has experienced supernatural deliverance from sin and the world.  However, most of them were overthrown in the wilderness.  They are an example to us.  Five areas did them in:  lust, idolatry, fornication, tempting God, and murmuring.  Verse 12 gives us a solemn warning.  Sometimes we think we’re immune to certain sins.  God says we better constantly be taking heed to His Word lest we fall. 10:13is a very popular verse, however, don’t forget the context.  The temptations that are common to man are the very things he just listed that the Nation of Israel faced.  We need to be on guard, taking heed to what God’s Word says about the five areas that caused most ofIsraelto be overthrown. 


Then, Paul comes all the way back to dealing with the issue he started discussing in Chapter 8 – meat offered to idols.  Verses 14-22 deal with actually participating in the religious experiences of those sacrificing to idols.  Some Corinthians probably thought that since an idol is nothing what’s the big deal if I go to my neighbor’s religious service and participate with him.  It’s no big deal, right?  Wrong!  False religious services are actually a worship of Satan.  They certainly don’t look that way, but that is the spiritual reality.  However, the meat that is sold afterwards is permissible to eat, just don’t defile your conscience or the conscience of your brother.  The key principles to apply to our life are found in10:23-24.  I’m free to do what I want, but just because I’m free to do it doesn’t mean I should!  There are other issues involved, not the least of which is regarding my brother and not just my own selfish wants. This is also the context for10:31-33.  T! he glory of God is what should be the motivation for all we do.  However, we’re Laodiceans, and usually we are motivated by what profits us, not what profits others. 


Think of the boldness of Paul to write verse 1 of chapter 11.  This verse is often misquoted as if it says, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”  He doesn’t say that.  Paul says the very bold, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am [a follower] of Christ”.  Notice the difference – “I’m a follower of Christ, you be a follower of me.”  He was telling these immature believers to start following him.  God understands we that sometimes need a model to follow.  Young or immature believers need a mature Christian to follow.  However, God’s desire is not for that to continue indefinitely.  As a believer matures, they need to learn to stand (Gal. 5:1), and walk (Gal.5:16) on their own two spiritual feet.


The next part, 11:2-16, is quite an interesting portion of scripture.  Remember how the Corinthians asked that question to try and get the response they wanted?  We typically do the same thing when we approach the issue of women wearing a covering on their head.  We tend to approach this issue with the question,  “Women don’t really have to wear something on their head when they pray, do they?”  Isn’t it interesting how that is our first question.  There are a couple of key points that help make this passage easier to understand.  First, God is a God of order.  That is clearly revealed in verses 3, 8-9.  Second, Paul is dealing with a cultural issue.  How do we know that?  Let me answer that by asking another question – is hair the covering?  Well, verse 15 says it is the covering given to a woman.  But, is that the teaching of scripture?  No, nature teaches us that.  Is it wrong for a man to have long hair?  Some say that it is because of verse 14.  But again, keep in mind that that is a reference to nature, not to scripture.  Different cultures have different customs.  That brings us to the third point.  Notice verse 16.  Paul is not instituting any biblical requirement upon these people or upon us.  So the answer is no, women don’t have to wear something on their head when they pray, unless, of course, the culture dictates it.  Remember; don’t seek your own profit, but the profit of others.


As Paul continues on in chapter 11, he rebukes them for their abuse of the Lord’s Supper.  They were using this time as a time to party and do what they wanted instead of remembering our Lord’s death. God uses this passage as a reminder of the purpose of communion, and shows us:


  • This is a very important and meaningful time to God. (11:27)
  • We should examine ourselves before participating. (11:28)
  • There are extreme consequences to not judging ourselves. (11:30)





OVERVIEW:  An appeal for unity (chapter 1); the wisdom of God vs. the wisdom of this world (chapter 2); eternal building vs. temporary building (chapter 3); understanding our stewardship (chapter 4); dealing with unrepentant sin (chapter 5); dealing with conflict in the body (chapter 6).



The city ofCorinthwas located on one of the most important east-west trade and travel routes in theRoman Empire.  It was a financial center especially noted for commerce, culture, and absolute perverted corruption. Corinthwas also the headquarters for the worship of Venus and for some of the mystery cults fromEgyptandAsia.  It was the fourth largest city in theRoman Empire.


The founding of the church atCorinthis detailed in Acts 18:1-17.  The apostle Paul and his missionary team established this church and Paul actually spent a year and half teaching and preaching in this church.  Yet, by the time Paul writes this letter, the church was totally operating in the flesh.  In fact, Paul finds absolutely nothing whatsoever in the entire letter for which to commend them! 


There is NOTHING this church was doing that should be used as a model.  They are messed up on their relationships with each other, their attitude about sin, their teaching about marriage, their liberty in Christ, exercising their spiritual gifts and the resurrection, of all things!  In spite of that fact, there is a whole movement – the Charismatic movement – that bases many of their beliefs and practices on things the Corinthian church had espoused.  We will see that God’s simple and clear instructions to this church are not followed by those proposing to be “filled with the Spirit”.  However, there are bigger problems with this church than their abuse of spiritual gifts.  In fact, God chose to not even address their abuse of spiritual gifts until the end of the Book.  This should raise a red flag when we think about problems in the body of Christ.  I’d rather partner for the cause of Christ with a genuine brother who mistakenly believes tongues are still for today, than to try and partner with a brother that has his “dispensations” right, but his “disposition” wrong, as Vance Havner used to say.


One of the most amazing things to note about this letter, is that as Paul writes under the inspiration of the Spirit of God to address such an incredibly problematic church is how many times God clears off a spot to speak directly to the pastors or elders of the church at Corinth.  We all certainly know that everything rises or falls on leadership, right?  Surely it would be a quick fix to their problems to get the pastors to do what’s right, so the rest of the church could simply follow their lead, wouldn’t it? But do you know how many times Paul actually speaks to the pastors in this letter? ZERO!  Does that mean that pastors do not have a key responsibility in the leadership of the church?  Absolutely not!  It simply reveals that we are all in this thing together.  Make no mistake, a pastor will most certainly give an account to God for how he led God’s people and how he provided oversight of the church (Heb.13:17).  However, each person will give an account for himself at the Judgment Seat of Christ (Rom.14:12). 


We’re not going to be able pull out the “if my pastor would have just led/taught/preached/visited/prayed or whatever better I would have been different” card.  The lesson of I Corinthians is that a church that is operating in the flesh or in the Spirit, is operating that way because of the members of the body, not just a select few.  We each need to examine and judge our own lives and what we are contributing or not contributing to the body.


The Corinthians had sent some questions to Paul they needed answered.  However, before Paul begins to answer those questions beginning in chapter 7, there were other issues that the Spirit of God knew needed to be dealt with first.  When you think about all the problems this church had, it is interesting that the first four chapters deal with one primary issue – division in the body.  Many things are addressed in these first four chapters, but they ultimately come back to the principle of a united body versus a divided body.  Chapter 1 and verse 10 is the clear statement of God’s will for this church.  It also tells us how this can be accomplished in a local body – “but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”  How do you have the same mind and same judgment?  Note four principles from I Corinthians 1-4:


  1. Be a fool for Christ (1:18, 25; 4:9-10).   We’re going to be a fool for something or somebody!  The Corinthians were consumed with not looking foolish to the world and in so doing, became fools.  Are you concerned about what your unsaved friends and family think of you, or are you consumed with knowing Christ?


  1. Trust the wisdom of God (Chapter 2) The Word of God (that which is spiritual) must be the basis for our decisions and choices in life.


  1. Build with eternal materials (Chapter 3) Are you building your life with things that will withstand the fire of God and last for eternity, or are you consumed with things that will vanish away?


  1. Be a faithful steward (Chapter 4) The responsibility of a steward is to use the resources he’s been given for the purpose of the owner.  Our Owner has told us to “lay up treasure in heaven” and “not to lay up treasure upon earth”.  Our Owner has put us in trust with a message to proclaim to those who haven’t believed.   Are you being a faithful steward?


Do you see how simple God’s plan is?  If all of us in the local body of believers are consumed with Christ, it’s easy to be of the “same mind and same judgment”.  But when we become concerned about our reputation, our position, our way and everyone else in the body is doing the same, we’re heading for big trouble!  It’s almost as simple as “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh”!


In chapter 5, God deals with this church regarding their lack of dealing with a sinning brother.  Verse 1 reveals that there is a man in the church living in sin, and obviously allowing that sin to rule his life.  In verse 2 God rebukes these believers for not dealing with this issue of sin.  Notice that God’s rebuke is first and foremost, that they did not mourn this sin.  What is our reaction when we see a brother or sister allowing sin to rule their lives?  Do we care?  Do we sense some sort of satisfaction because we kind of thought they were like that?  Do we think “I would never do that”? Or do we have the response God is looking for – mourning (5:2)?  In verses 3-5, God instructs them to remove this man from the fellowship of their church.  The reason for such seemingly harsh treatment however, is so he will be removed from the protection afforded him in the body of Christ, so he will see the importance of repenting, so that God can and will be glorified in his life. !  In fact, verse 5 says that the flesh may be destroyed, but the spirit will be saved.  In verse 8, God mentions two types of leaven – malice and wickedness.  One is an evil life, and one is an evil attitude.  These are areas in which we must judge ourselves in daily.  God also gives the remedy: sincerity and truth.  You must have both.  Sincerity without truth will do you no good.  Many sincere people live a defeated life.  However, truth without sincerity is not any better.  The Pharisees had truth, but they didn’t have sincerity.  In verses 9-11, God clearly teaches that we are not to separate ourselves physically from this lost world.  We should expect them to live in sin because they are lost, and we must reach them with the gospel!  However, we are not to associate ourselves with believers whose lives are being lived according to the flesh.


Notice also the type of sin God talks about in 5:9-11.  He talks about the ones in which we would easily agree– fornication, drunkenness, idolatry – but He also lists covetousness, extortion, and railing.  God is showing that we may have our list of “bad sins” and “acceptable sins”, but He most certainly does not!  Someone living in the flesh that never does anything immoral but is always talking negatively about people (railing), is just as overtaken in sin as the person in verse 1!  Verses 12-13 teach us that God will judge the lost world, but our responsibility is to reach them. 


One of the most obvious ways to see the division in the body was the way the Corinthian believers took each other to court.  The key principle of chapter 6 is that believers should not take each other to court over civil matters.  If someone believes they have been wronged, they need to allow the church to handle the matter.  Sometimes this may take great faith.  It also may not result in what one party regards as fair.  The larger issue in all these problems is, are we seeking God’s solution or simply relying on our own standard?  May we seek to yield to the Spirit each day, and allow Him to control our thoughts and actions.


DAY 334 – TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2012




The revelation of the righteousness of God reproduced in the church (chapters 12-16).



After introducing his theme to the Book of Romans, the revelation of the righteousness of God in the gospel of Christ (1:16,17), Paul walked us through eight chapters of PRINCIPLES related to that gospel.  Then, beginning in chapter 9 and continuing through chapter 11, Paul identified and addressed the PROBLEMS of the gospel as they related to the Nation of Israel.  We called this section a “parenthesis” because if you were to read from Romans8:39right into 12:1, it would make perfect sense!  Check it out:


“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come – (8:38). Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord – (8:39). I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” – (12:1).


Now beginning with Romans 12:1, we move into the third and final section of this great epistle.  Having considered the PRINCIPLES and PROBLEMS of the gospel in the first 11 chapters, in these final five chapters (12-16), Paul takes us into an examination of the PRACTICE of the gospel.  What he is doing in these chapters is a classic Pauline pattern that we will be able to observe in all of his writings.  In each of the New Testament letters God inspired Paul to write, he always establishes the specific doctrines in the beginning of the Book.  Each letter then concludes by providing the reader with a series of practical DUTIES which are based upon the DOCTRINES he’s presented.  Paul was aware of the danger in laying down PRINCIPLES without identifying how those PRINCIPLES were to affect the PRACTICE of our lives.  As Bible believers, we must understand that DOCTRINE and DUTIES always go hand-in-hand.  Each time we approach the Word of God, we must ask ourselves two very simple questions: “What is it that God wants me to BELIEVE?” and “How is it that God wants me to BEHAVE?”  You see this pattern very clearly in the Book of Romans.  For the first eight chapters Paul identifies the DOCTRINAL PRINCIPLES related to the gospel; then in the final five chapters, he provides the PRACTICAL DUTIES based upon those principles.


Beginning in chapter 12 and continuing through chapter 14, Paul identifies the following relationships that have been dramatically affected by receiving the gospel.  With each relationship he provides a corresponding responsibility:


  • Our relationship to God… Offer reasonable service. (12:1-2)
  • Our relationship to other believers… Minister our gifts. (12:3-16)
  • Our relationship to our enemies…Overcome evil, with good. (12:17-21)
  • Our relationship to rulers…Be subject. (13:1-7)
  • Our relationship to our neighbors… Owe nothing but love. (13:8-14)
  • Our relationship to weaker believers… Receive and edify. (14:1-23)


Realizing the benefit of an example when transitioning from theory to practice, in chapter 15, Paul provides three examples of people who ministered to others.  He begins with the ministry of Christ and how He pleased and received others (15:1-13).  Next, he provides himself as an example of one that forwarded God’s message (15:14).  Finally, he holds up the Gentile churches and their sacrificial giving to the impoverished saints atJerusalemas an example (15:25-35).


In chapter 16, God finds an incredible way to teach us about the important keys to Paul’s ministry.  Paul sends his greetings to 26 individuals, two households, and several churches that are meeting in people’s homes.  That’s a lot of relationships, considering they reside in a city that he’s not yet been permitted to visit!  As you read this list, you can’t help but be impressed with the fact that Paul loved people.  No doubt, many of these names represented people he had personally won to Christ in other places who now resided inRome.  It is more than apparent that Paul’s ministry centered around two key things:  the GREAT COMMANDMENT (Loving God and loving people), and the GREAT COMMISSION (Reproducing reproducers — i.e. Making disciples!)  May each of our ministries reflect the same.

WEEK #48 – DAY 333 – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2012





The revelation of the righteousness of God rejected in Judaism (Chapters 9-11).



Today we move into the second half of this great doctrinal epistle of the Apostle Paul.  Keep in mind that the purpose of the writing of Romans is to reveal the righteousness of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ (1:16-17).  In the first half of Romans, Paul identified a number of PRINCIPLES related to the righteousness we receive through the gospel:


  • Sin is a universal reality.  (Chapters 1-3)
  • Salvation is a free gift.  (Chapter 3)
  • Salvation is received by faith.  (Chapter 4)
  • Salvation is secure and forever.  (Chapter 5)
  • Sanctification is from sin and the law.  (Chapters 6-7)
  • Sanctification is by the Spirit.  (Chapter 8)


Beginning in chapter 9, Paul turns his attention to some of the PROBLEMS related to the righteousness we receive through the gospel; particularly, problems that related to the Jews. 


The first problem had to do with the fact that at the time Paul wrote the Book of Romans, the Old Testament sacrifices were still being offered in theTempleatJerusalem.  The principles Paul laid out in Romans 1-8 have rendered those sacrifices completely MEANINGLESS.


The second problem was related to the reality that each time Paul preached in a Jewish synagogue, he knew that Judaism and Christianity could not co-exist. If Christianity continued to spread across the world, Judaism’s fate was sealed.  It was just that reality that caused Paul to so bitterly oppose Christianity prior to his conversion.


Finally, the greatest problem Paul faced was reconciling in people’s minds the doctrines of the church with the covenants God had made to the Nation of Israel.  The two questions that continually surfaced each time Paul preached in the presence of Jews were: “Are the promises of God to the Nation of Israel now null and void?” and “Where does the Jew stand in relationship to God in this dispensation?”    The purpose of Romans 9, 10 and 11 is to provide answers to those questions.  The Spirit of God obviously knew that these answers would blast Satan’s attempts to pervert the gospel with the false teachings of the Judiazers.


Some have called chapters 9, 10 and 11 parentheses in the Book of Romans. A parenthesis is defined as a sentence or paragraph that provides the reader with an explanation.  That’s exactly what Romans 9, 10 and 11 do!  They provide us with an explanation of how it is that God could set aside His chosen people for a period of time, and how it is that God will restoreIsraelat a future date, and fulfill all the promises He made to them in the Old Testament.


The three chapters of this parenthesis can be broken down as follows:

  • In Romans 9, the emphasis is onIsrael’s PAST ELECTION.
  • In Romans 10, the emphasis is onIsrael’s PRESENT REJECTION.
  • In Romans 11, the emphasis is onIsrael’s FUTURE RESTORATION.


A couple of other side notes:

Don’t let Romans9:13freak you out: “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”  The “as it is written” is a reference to Malachi 1:2-3, and the statement is made in reference to NATIONS, not INDIVIDUALS.  “Esau” is representative of the Edomite nation.  “Jacob” is representative of the Nation of Israel.  Because of John3:16and countless other Scriptures, there is no way that the Bible teaches that God loves some sinners, and hates others. 


Concerning the hardening of Pharaoh in9:17-18, understand that God gives people what they want.  Exodus8:15says that Pharaoh hardened his heart. Then in Exodus 9:12, it says that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. God simply gave Pharaoh what he wanted.  It is the same principle that is repeated in II Thessalonians 2:8-12.  There are people who have understood the truth and have had the opportunity to receive the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved (2:10). Rather than receive the truth, however, they “had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2:12), and, therefore, lied to themselves, and rejected the truth.  The passage teaches that in the Tribulation Period when the Antichrist comes on the scene, God will say in effect, “You wanted a lie, so that’s exactly what you’ll get!” Verses 11 and 12 say that God Himself will “send them strong delusion” so that they will believe the lie of the Antichrist, and be forever damned.


In Pharaoh’s case, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart because Pharaoh hardened Pharaoh’s heart.  With those who miss the rapture because they lied to themselves when God presented them the truth, God will simply give them what they proved they wanted.


Is there anything you are communicating to God by your life that you want, that you don’t really want God to give you?




OVERVIEW:  The righteousness of God received by faith (chapter 4); the revelation of the righteousness of God realized in the soul (chapter 5); the righteousness of God revealed in trials (chapters 6-7); the righteousness of God represented as eternal (chapter 8).



As we discussed in yesterday’s comments, in terms of doctrine, there is not a more important Book in the entire New Testament than the Book of Romans.  And in terms of doctrine, God is more than just a little adamant about it!  Though the heed and call in “Christian” circles is to “let go” of doctrine for the sake of so-called unity, God’s clear admonition to His church is to “hold fast” (II Tim. 1:13) to sound doctrine, so that we can be genuinely unified with everyone else who wraps their hands firmly around the truth of His Word!  It is not simply our love that unites us, but our love of the truth.  True biblical love always has truth as its basis (See II John 1:1-4 and the usage of the word “truth” five times in these four verses).  It is worth noting that in the epistles Paul wrote to Pastor Timothy and Pastor Titus (i.e. the “pastoral epistles”) he mentions doctrine no less than 13 times!  (See I Tim. 1:3,10; 4:1,6,16;5:17; 6:1, 3: II Tim. 3:10; 4:2; Titus 1:9; 2:1,10.)  Again, doctrine is what the Book of Romans is all about, not the least of which is the doctrine of salvation. There is no other Book of the Bible that provides more complete teaching on this most important subject than the Book of Romans.


Something else that is important to note as we make our way through this incredible Book is Paul’s utilization of questions in presenting his case.  Perhaps you picked up on that in yesterday’s reading.  In yesterday’s reading alone (Rom. 1-3), do you realize that Paul asked over 25 questions?!  It’s almost as if he anticipates the objections a person might raise in response to the truth he is presenting, and takes away their argument before they even get there.  It is a masterful teaching technique that the Spirit of God uniquely gifted Paul to employ.  Pay close attention to this technique as we make our way through the remainder of this Book.


As we move into chapter 4 today, it is important to note a very significant transition that is being made.  Whereas chapters 1-3 focused on the fact that God’s righteousness is REQUIRED BY SINNERS, chapter 4 focuses on the fact that God’s righteousness is RECEIVED BY FAITH.  Whereas chapters 1-3 focused on the “WHAT,” chapter 4 focuses on the “HOW.”


In 4:1-8, Paul introduces us to the REWARD of righteousness by faith, namely that we are “justified.”  To be justified means to be rendered righteous.  It may be trite for some, but a great way to remember the truth encompassed in the word “justified,” is that is means “just-as-if-I’d” never sinned.  As an illustration, Paul reaches back into the Old Testament to the life of Abraham to point to one who was justified by faith (4:1-8).  Then, Paul reveals three truths concerning how it is that justification is actually reckoned to us: 1) It is not by circumcision (4:9-12); 2) It is not by the law (4:13-15); 3) It is only by grace through faith (4:16-22).  The chapter closes with the promise that just as God imputed righteousness to Abraham because of his faith, He, likewise, imputes righteousness to each of us who receive the gospel by faith.


Having laid down the reality that the righteousness God demands is not an ACHIEVED RIGHTEOUSNESS, but a RECEIVED RIGHTEOUSNESS (that is, a righteousness that is not of WORKS, but by FAITH), Paul then moves in chapter 5 to lay out the fact that because we didn’t do anything to EARN our salvation (our righteousness), there is also nothing we can do to LOSE it!  The doctrine of the eternal security of the believer (one of the most controversial doctrines in Christianity!) is firmly established in the Book of Romans, particularly in chapter 5.  This chapter can be divided into two sections.  The first section (5:1-10) identifies the BENEFIT of justification by faith:  SECURITY.  The second section (5:11-21) identifies the BASIS for justification by faith: ATONEMENT.


As we move into chapter 6, another transition is being made:


  • Chapters 1-5 teach us about JUSTIFICATION by faith.
  • Chapters 6-8 teach us about SANCTIFICATION by the Spirit.
  • Chapters 1-5 identify how God saved us from the PENALTY of sin.
  • Chapters 6-8 identify how Christ saved us from the POWER of sin.
  • Chapters 1-5 show us the GATEWAY to the Christian life.
  • Chapters 6-8 show us the PATHWAY of the Christian life.


While there is a significant contrast between Romans 1-5 and 6-8, there is an equally significant connection between Romans 6, 7 and 8.  The connection between these three chapters is linked to a little phrase in Romans 5:17: “reign in life.” Notice that Paul does not fully explain (in this verse) HOW those who have been justified by faith in Christ shall “reign in life.”  The full explanation comes in Romans 6, 7 and 8.  Check it out . . .

  • Romans 6 explains how the believer can reign in life because SIN no longer REIGNS over us. (6:12)
  • Romans 7 explains how the believer can reign in life because the LAW no longer has DOMINION over us. (7:1,4)
  • Romans 8 explains how the believer can reign in life because the SPIRIT now gives LIFE andLIBERTYto us. (8:2,4)

DAY 330 – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2012




The righteousness of God required by the heathen (chapter 1); the righteousness of God required by the hypocrite and Hebrew (chapter 2); the righteousness of God required by all of humanity (chapter 3).



To this point in our reading through the New Testament we have been in the historical section.  In the four Gospels, we were able to see four historical perspectives of Jesus Christ’s person and ministry.  The Book of Acts revealed to us the history of the early church through the “acts of the apostles,” and allowed us to see the transition that occurred from God’s dealing with the Nation of Israel to God’s dealing with the Church.  As we have learned, there are three transitional Books in the New Testament:

  1. Matthew, which bridges from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
  2. Acts, which bridges from the Nation of Israel back to the Church.
  3. Hebrews, which bridges from the Church back to the Nation of Israel.


We have just crossed the bridge provided by the Book of Acts, and are now entering the doctrinal teachings of the Church Age.


The Book of Romans is the greatest Book in the Bible on Christian doctrine.  It is very different from the other New Testament Books in that Paul is not writing to address doctrinal or practical problems with this church.  What the content of this Book actually becomes is the handbook that gives us God’s viewpoint on what He is doing in and through His church.  That’s why God placed this Book immediately following the Book of Acts.  Right after you come through the historical section of the New Testament, and prior to getting into the other church epistles, God gives us His handbook for understanding the doctrine of the church.  It is interesting that the order of the letters to the churches in the New Testament follow the prescription laid down in II Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for :


  • DOCTRINE – Romans (the New Testament Book on Christian doctrine)
  • REPROOF – I and II Corinthians (Books that reprove sin)
  • CORRECTION – Galatians (A Book specifically written to correct false doctrine)
  • INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS – Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I & II Thessalonians (Books teaching righteous living based on sound doctrine)


The apostle God used to write this epistle (letter) is identified in the first word of the first verse of the first chapter of the Book.  It was written by Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles (Acts9:15), as were all of the letters to the churches. Paul was uniquely qualified to be the one God chose to write the Book of Romans in that he was born a Jew (Acts 21:39; 22:3), was completely familiar with Greek culture (Acts 21:37), and was the possessor of Roman citizenship (Acts 16:37; 22:25; 23:37).


It is important to note that though God chose to use Paul to write this epistle to the Romans, Paul himself had never actually been toRome.  He had a passion within him to get there to minister to the believers, but somehow in God’s sovereignty, He had not allowed it.  In Paul’s introduction in chapter one, he feels compelled to let the Romans (and us!) know that.  He writes, “For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you. For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; that is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.” I don’t know how your mind works, but when you read verses like that, don’t you just have to ask, why wouldn’t God let Paul get toRomesooner?  I mean, if he’s the apostle to the Gentiles, why wouldn’t God allow him to go and minister to his heart’s content?  And don’t you think Paul had that very same question?  But then think about it.  Do you realize that most of the believers to which God would use the Apostle Paul to establish in Christian doctrine (1:11), would be people just like the Romans, who had never and would never see Paul face to face?  God uses his ministry through Paul to accomplish the same purposes in us that He did in the believers inRomein the first century!  It’s a very subtle reminder, that when we have a passion for a good thing that God doesn’t bring to pass, it is most likely because He is serving a much more grand and glorious purpose!  In this case, if Paul would have gotten toRomeon his time schedule, we wouldn’t have the Book of Romans!


Following the introduction in 1:1-15, beginning in1:16, Paul identifies two ways God exhibits His power.


First, He demonstrates His righteousness to those who receive the gospel by faith (1:16,17).  Second He demonstrates His wrath to those who reject His truth by ungodliness (1:18, 21).  In the remainder of chapter one, Paul catalogs the sins of the Gentiles, beginning with their rejection of His glory (1:21-23), which resulted in their perversion physically (1:24-25), emotionally (1:26-27), and mentally (1:28-32).


Having proven the ungodliness of the Gentiles in chapter one, he now turns the spotlight on the sins of the hypocrites (2:1-16) and the Hebrews (2:17-29).  He begins chapter two by showing the hypocrites the inexcusability of their behavior (2:1-4).  Anticipating their objections, Paul informs them of an inescapable appointment with God’s judgment (2:5-16).  Paul concludes the chapter by exposing the unreliable confidence the Jews place in the law (2:17, 24) and in the unprofitable ritual of circumcision (2:25-29).


In chapter three, Paul will reach the conclusion to which he has been moving since chapter one, verse 18.  The conclusion is identified in 3:9, “For we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all UNDER SIN.”  Whether you’re a HEATHEN (1:21-32), a HYPOCRITE (2:1-16), or a HEBREW (2:17-29), the scriptures conclude that “there is none righteous, no, not one” (3:10).  You see, Paul realizes that before someone receives the “good news” of the gospel, they must acknowledge the “bad news” of their sinfulness.  So chapter three begins by proving all of humanity’s condemnation before God (3:1-20), and concludes by manifesting the availability of righteousness to all who choose to receive it (3:21-31).  Take note of the fact that God’s righteousness is offered with three conditions:

  1. It must be received apart from the law. (3:21) 
  2. It is only available through Christ. (3:22-26)
  3. It can only be accepted by faith. (3:21-31)


Note some key facts and figures about the Book of Romans: Approximate date of writing: 60 A.D. Key Verse: Romans1:16, 17 Key Words: Righteousness; appears 39 times Christ is seen as: our righteousness (Romans3:23, 24); Chapters: 16; Verses: 433; Words: 9,477


Here is a simple outline to guide you through the Book:

The Revelation of Righteousness In The Gospel:

The Righteousness Received In Salvation (Chapters 1-8)

The Righteousness Rejected By The Jews (Chapters 9-11)

The Righteousness Reproduced In Sanctification (Chapters 12-16)





Paul’s testimony before King Agrippa (chapter 26); Paul’s journey to and arrival inRome(chapters 27 and 28).



As we move into chapter 26 today, we find Paul giving his testimony before king Agrippa, the great grandson of Herod the Great who sought to kill Jesus at his birth (Matthew 2:1-16).  At this point, let’s pause and consider the SINCERE CONCERN of Paul’s message, and the SIMPLE CONTENT of Paul’s message. 


First, the SINCERE CONCERN of Paul’s message.  It would have been easy for Paul to despise the corrupt and wicked rulers before whom he had been on trial.  Clearly, none of them were willing to take a stand for the truth and declare Paul innocent (23:27-29; 24:12, 13; 26:31).  The Jews falsely accused Paul and wanted to kill him (21:28, 29;23:12-15). Felix kept Paul in prison in hopes of a bribe (24:26), and to please the wicked Jews (24:27) and likewise, Festus kept Paul bound to keep the Jews happy (25:9).  It seems that “justice” went to the highest bidder or the best liar.  Despite all of this injustice and corruption, Paul, rather than becoming incensed, declares the gospel of Jesus Christ, sincerely longing for the salvation of these wicked men.  Even when king Agrippa, one of the most perverted and corrupt men imaginable, sarcastically commented to Paul, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” (26:28), Paul sincerely responded, “I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds” (26:29).  Paul could see through the wickedness of these men to the cross where Christ died even for their sins.  With all the love in his heart, Paul longed to see the salvation of his persecutors.  How successful are you at obeying Matthew 5:44: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”?


Second, the SIMPLE CONTENT of Paul’s message.  It is important for us to pay attention to the content of Paul’s message each time he stood before a government official.  If it were me, I would be up all night, wracking my brain, trying to fashion the most moving and powerful sermon ever.  But not Paul; each time he stands before a world ruler, he simply gives his testimony and a simple gospel presentation.  Nothing fancy; simply, “I once was lost, but now I’m found.”  In fact, God told Paul that he would “be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard” (Acts22:15).  Paul was only responsible for preaching what he had seen and heard.  As believers in Christ, we don’t have to be intellectual elitists, eloquent preachers, or Bible experts; we simply need to declare boldly what we have seen and heard!  The great evangelist H.A. Ironside was once interrupted by an atheist shouting, “There is no God! Jesus is a myth!” and finally, “I challenge you to a debate!”  Ironside responded, “I accept your challenge, sir! But on one condition: when you come, bring with you ten men and women whose lives have been changed for the better by the message of atheism. Bring former prostitutes and criminals whose lives have been changed, who are now moral and responsible individuals. Bring outcasts who had no hope and have them tell us how becoming atheists has lifted them out of the pit!  And sir,” he concluded, “if you can find ten such men and women, I will be happy to debate you. And when I come, I will gladly bring with me two hundred men and women from this very city whose lives have been transformed in just those ways by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”  You can’t argue with a changed life.  Ask God to open a door today for you to tell someone what you’ve seen and heard.


After a difficult journey, Paul finally landed atRome  (28:16) around 60 A.D.,  and was allowed to live in

a rented house where he preached to both Jews and Gentiles and received guests.  For the next two years Paul continued “Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him” (28:31).  It is believed that Paul also wrote his epistles to Philemon, Timothy, Titus, the Ephesians, the Colossians and the Philippians at this time.  According to tradition, Paul was beheaded sometime after 64 A.D. during Nero’s severe persecution of Christians.  During this same persecution, Peter was crucified upside-down because he didn’t consider himself worthy to be crucified in the same fashion as his Lord and Savior.


Before we end, let’s consider what may be the most important lesson of the Book of Acts: God takes full responsibility for accomplishing His own mission.  Acts is rather comical when you consider how confused these “great men of God” were for the first 27 years of their ministry.  The believers in Acts 1-7 had no idea whether or not Christ would immediately restore the kingdom to Israel so they sold their houses and all of their possessions and camped out in Jerusalem so they didn’t miss the Second Coming of Christ (Acts 1:6,7; 2:44-47; 4:34,35; Zechariah 14:1-9); the Apostles were dazed and confused when the Samaritans and Gentiles started getting saved (Acts 11:1-3,18); the Jewish believers had an extremely difficult time letting go of circumcision and the law of Moses and trusting solely in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 15:1,2); the Apostles were most certainly shocked when God postponed His dealings with Israel in order to begin working with a ! new institution, the Church, composed of both Jews and Gentiles (Rom.11:25; Eph. 3:1-13).  From a human standpoint, living in the time of the early church would have been frustrating and confusing IF you were trying to analyze and formulize God.  But if you “walked by faith, not by sight,” then every day would have been an adventure.  At exactly the right time and in exactly the right place, exactly the right people were saved, connected and moved on.  Consider God’s ancient arrangement of the Jewish holy feasts so that the Jews would at the right time and in the right place, witness the crucifixion of their Messiah at Passover, and fifty days later at Pentecost, have a chance to repent of their fatal error (Acts 2). Remember how God intervened on behalf of Peter and John, freeing them from prison to continue preaching to the people (Acts5:17-20)? Think of how the persecution that arose after the stoning of Stephen served God’s purposes in motivating the obstinate Jewish believers to get out of Jerusalem and carry out the rest of God’s miss ion to Judea, Samaria and the uttermost (Acts 1:8; 8:1f). Remember how God supernaturally arranged Philip’s meeting with the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts8:26-30)? Consider also, the perfectly timed salvation of Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9) and Peter’s visit to Cornelius’ house (Acts 10).  We could go on and on.  The bottom line is God will accomplish His own mission despite our cluelessness.  If we surrender ourselves to Him daily, we have the amazing honor of joining Him where He is working.


Have a great adventure with God today!






Paul’s testimony before riotous Jews (chapter 22); Paul’s testimony before the Jewish Council (chapter 23); Paul’s testimony before Felix, the governor ofJudea(chapter 24); Paul’s testimony before Festus (chapter 25).



Paul’s arrival inJerusalemmarked the beginning of his end.  In Acts 21, the Jews of Jerusalem had stirred up a riot crying out, “Men of Israel, help: This is the man, that teacheth all men every where against the people, and the law, and this place: and further brought Greeks also into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place” (21:28).  The Roman chief captain of Jerusalem not wanting this riot to reach Caesar’s ears for his job’s sake, immediately halted the riot, rescuing Paul from certain death (21:31,32).  Chapter 22 is Paul’s testimony before the riotous Jewish crowd, but as soon as he mentions preaching to Gentiles (22:21, 22), the crowd returns to a nearly unmanageable uproar.  The chief captain was about to scourge Paul until he discovered that Paul was a Roman citizen.  With that revelation, Paul inserted himself into the flow of the Roman legal system, thereby guaranteeing him an audience with leading political figures in the Roman government, even Caesar himself.  The following chapters record Paul’s testimony before a few of these figures.  In chapter 23, Paul stands before the Jewish council once again inJerusalem. In chapter 24, Paul is transferred to Caeserea, the Roman provincial seat ofJudea, where he stands before Governor Felix. Felix is replaced by Festus (24:27), and in chapter 25, Paul gives testimony before Festus and the Jewish council.


Though there are many truths and applications we could pull out of today’s reading, let’s focus primarily on a few truths related to Paul’s suffering. 


  1. Suffering was a natural part of Paul’s commission as it is a natural part of our commission.  When God commissioned Paul as the apostle to the Gentiles, he described his ministry in this way: “he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children ofIsrael: For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake” (Acts9:15,16).  God promised that Paul would have the incredible privilege of preaching the gospel to Gentiles, kings and the children ofIsrael, so what Paul was experiencing in Acts 21-25 was God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises.  But God’s faithfulness also included the promise of suffering.  In the depth of the night, God compassionately reassured Paul of His promise: “Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me inJerusalem, so must thou bear witness also atRome” (Acts23:11).  Paul accepted suffering as the natural result of following Christ and reckoned that “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans8:18).  Paul placed all of his hope in eternity because that is what he had invested in.  God promised those of us who would desire to live like Paul: “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (II Tim.3:12).  If we witness and seek to live holy lives, we will suffer for it, but if we have invested in eternity, a greater hope is yet before us.


  1. Suffering brings us into a deeper intimacy with Christ, because we experience a taste of His sufferings.  It would be natural for Paul to be angry with God; it’s not hard to imagine Paul saying something like, “God, here I am witnessing for you, seeking to live a holy life, and this is what I get?”!  It’s the complaint we often hear from the lost: “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  In reality, however, this is a very self-righteous and self-centered question.  Self-righteous because we are calling ourselves “good” when Romans3:12states, “there is none that doeth good, no, not one”.  Self-centered because we think life is all about us when Revelation4:11declares, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”.  The real question should be, “Why do good things happen to such bad people?”  And this is Paul’s perspective.  Paul is so thankful for the price that Jesus Christ paid for him that he considers these sufferings a blessing.  In fact, suffering like Christ was one of his goals in life: “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death” (Phil. 3:8-10).  Through suffering, we become more intimately acquainted with Christ.


DAY 327 – TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2012




Paul’s ministry atCorinth(chapter 18); Paul’s ministry atEphesus(chapter 19); Paul begins his journey toJerusalem(chapter 20); Paul’s arrival inJerusalem(chapter 21).



By the time we open our Bibles to Acts 18 in today’s reading, Paul and his missionary team have preached throughout Syria and Cilicia (15:41), the cities of Lystra and Derbe (16:1), throughout Phrygia and Galatia (16:6), the cities of Philippi, Thessalonica and Berea (16:11,12; 17:1,10) of Macedonia and Athens, Greece (17:15).  With the preaching of the word came persecution.  In II Corinthians 11:23-28, Paul described his persistent sufferings in these terms: “in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft.  Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.  Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep; In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.  Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.”  What a resume!  If God’s “whatever, wherever, whenever” for you (and me) included such persecutions, would you still obey Him?  “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24).


Acts 18 begins with Paul traveling fromAthenstoCorinth, a city in the RomanprovinceofAchaia(18:12).Corinthwas a wealthy city, a center of intellectualism and famous for its excess, perversion, and vice.  Everyday was Mardi Gras inCorinth.  It was theNew Orleans,AmsterdamorBangkokof biblical times!  To be a Corinthian was to almost automatically be associated with sexual promiscuity.  In fact, “Corinthian woman” was a proverbial phrase for a prostitute, and “to play the Corinthian”, is to play the whore, or indulge whorish inclinations.  Paul was sent there to shine the light of the glorious gospel of Christ in their great darkness.  Prior to Paul’s arrival, God had already arranged a meeting between Paul and a Jewish couple (Aquilaand Priscilla) who were exiled fromRome.  This couple became faithful followers of Christ, using all of their resources to further the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Aquila and Priscilla were sound in doctrine having corrected Apollos’ outdated teaching (18:25,26); Paul called them his “helpers in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 16:3) because they had “for my (Paul’s) life laid down their own necks” (Rom.16:4); all of the Gentile churches also gave thanks forAquilaand Priscilla (Rom.16:4); and when they returned toRome, their home became the meeting place of the church (Rom.16:5). Aquilaand Priscilla knew what marriage was all about: a joint venture in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ!


Paul carried out a fruitful ministry inCorinthfor “a year and six months” (18:11).  In that time, some prestigious men came to Christ: Justus, whose house was structurally connected to the Jewish synagogue; Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue; and eventually, another chief ruler of the synagogue and the man who had caused a riot over Paul’s preaching: Sosthenes (18:17; I Cor. 1:1,2).  In due time, Paul and Aquila and Priscilla departed for Ephesus where Aquila and Priscilla were left, and Paul continued on to Caesarea eventually returning home to Antioch of Syria (18:22,23).  While atEphesus,Aquilaand Priscilla met a Jew fromAlexandria,Egyptnamed Apollos, a powerful preacher who needed to be brought up to date doctrinally.  Apollos was still preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and performing the “baptism of John” – talk about a time warp!  He had no idea that Jesus the Messiah had already come and gone, that God’s plan forIsraelhad been postponed, and that the Church Age was already in effect.  He was probably still wearing his hair in a mullet! (I love the bumper sticker, “Friends don’t let friends wear mullets”.) Aquilaand Priscilla enlightened this evangelist and brought him into the present by explaining the events of the past 22 years (18:26).  Apollos humbly and joyfully receives the new revelation, preaches that Jesus is the Christ and moves on toCorinth(19:1).


While Apollos is atCorinth, Paul begins his third missionary journey passing throughPhrygiaandGalatia(18:23) and landing atEphesus(19:1) where he finds some of Apollos’ converts.  As Jesus said, “The disciple is not above his master” (Matt.10:24), so Paul finds some unsaved disciples who, like their discipler Apollos, have been baptized with the baptism of John the Baptist.  They are also unaware that the Messiah has already come and gone.  Therefore, these disciples are most certainly not saved because salvation comes only through Jesus Christ (see John 14:6) and the indwelling of the Holy Ghost is evidence of that salvation (Romans 8:9b “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his”). These disciples, however, have never even heard of Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost (19:1-4)!  Paul preaches the gospel of grace to them, they are water baptized in Jesus’ name, and then they receive the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues and prophesying (19:4-6).  Remember: tongues are a sign to skeptical Jews (I Cor.1:22;14:22).  The events here atEphesusare exactly like the events inSamaria(Acts8:14-16): Paul’s apostolic authority and his message is validated by the sign of tongues.  These Jewish disciples of Apollos now know for certain that Paul’s gospel is the true gospel.


Paul had a fruitful few years atEphesus(19:9,10,18-20), and the Word of God had free course throughoutAsia(modern dayAsia Minor).  However, his success was stifled by a massive riot which forced him to begin his journey toJerusalem(19:21; 20:1).  On his way toJerusalem, Paul revisits many of the places wherein he had planted churches and preached the gospel, edifying the disciples.  Paul, knowing that Jerusalem would mark the beginning of his end, is not afraid to die for the name of the Lord Jesus (21:13), because long ago, at his salvation, Paul had already laid his life in the hands of Jesus: “for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day” (II Tim. 1:12).  Paul fearlessly and confidently declares in II Tim. 4:6-8, “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing”.